Saturday, May 11, 2013

Two Authors Wordpress Plugin

Two Authors Wordpress Plugin - CodeCanyon Item for Sale

Two Authors Wordpress Plugin - CodeCanyon Item for Sale

WordPress MU // authors // custom post types // custom topics // debate // debating // filter // multiple authors // rating // topics // two // two authors //

Created 27 July 12
Last Update 28 August 12
Compatible Browsers IE6, IE7, IE8, IE9, Firefox, Safari, Opera, Chrome
Software Version WordPress 3.4, WordPress 3.3, WordPress 3.2, WordPress 3.1, WordPress 3.0, jQuery
High Resolution No
Files Included JavaScript JS, HTML, CSS, PHP, SQL

This plugin will allow you to assign two authors for any article. For each article you can have multiple topics, to help improve your readers experience.

Then, two authors can debate the pros and cons of any given topic, or each one talk about a given subject.

You can have rating capability, or integrate it nicely in any Wordpress theme.

New Features:
- compatible with Wordpress MU
- compatibile with any custom post type registered on the site

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