Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Full Width Background Image Slider

Full Width Background Image Slider - CodeCanyon Item for Sale Full Width Background Image Slider - CodeCanyon Item for Sale Full width background image // Full width background slider // background color setter // background image slider // cool background plugin // different background wordpress // wordpress background slider // wordpress slider plugin //
Created 2 February 13
Last Update 12 February 13
Compatible Browsers IE8, IE9, IE10, Firefox, Safari, Opera, Chrome
Software Version WordPress 3.5, WordPress 3.4, WordPress 3.3, WordPress 3.2, WordPress 3.1, WordPress 3.0
Files Included JavaScript JS, CSS, PHP

This wordpress plug-in gives a beautiful touch and a dynamic feel to any website by allowing you to easily create a full-width background slide with many built in options. You can create any number and assign them to post and pages. If you want to choose colors you can also set colors instead of images.


  1. Create a different Background slider for each post/page.
  2. Set background image for a post/page.
  3. Set background Color for a post/page.
  4. Enable/disable for a post/page.
  5. Compatible with all major browsers at all resolutions, this plugin re-sizes the background images according to the screen resolution.
  6. You can decide the time for the slide to fade and have an option in the back-end to set the time for the slides to transition. You can do this for each slideshow. An example would be, if you want the slider to run fast for a particular post or page and another to run slow, you can easily do that.
  7. This plugin comes with 6 ready to use amazing backgrounds.
  8. The new overlay feature will give an additional professional look to your images. Now you have 14 options to choose the overlay effect for your backgrounds and you can do that for each page. You can now choose a different overlay for each page.

Watch Video, how to use the FWB plugin For a live demo please visit

You can also try our Full Width Background Slider WordPress theme Analytical full Width Slider WordPress theme

Getting Started with the Plugin

In this section I will explain about how to use the plugin.

When you activate the plugin you will see an option at the left bottom in your wordpress backend saying “FWB Slider Pro” Click on it.

Click on FWB slider pro on left


When you clieck on it, it will take you the settings page for the Full width Background slider which will look like something like this.



So you have 5 settings blocks for which you need to make the settings.

1. Display Settings: Click on Display settings and it will open up the Display setting panel for you which will look the the image. 


The image pretty much explains that this settings allows you to control the default slider on different sections of the wordpress blog. You can enable disable them for the specified options.

2. Appearance Settings: When you click on Appearance settings. Appearance setting panel will open up which will allow you to set the options for the appearance of the slider like navigation, bullets, status bar, loader, thumbnails, stay time for a slide, time for transit from one slide to another etc.



Enabling Random slides will make the images come randomnly.


3. Overlay Settings: The plugin allows you to put a cool overlay effect over your images making them look perfect. You can choose from the available 14 overlay effect. You can disable the overlay effect you dont find is useful.



4. BackGround Color Settings:  Sometimes you don’t want to use image rather you want to show a background color. This option is helpful then. Check the checkbox if you want to use the background color and select the color you want to use. Save.

If you have images selected in the slider setting options it will override the background color. So if you want to use the background color, please empty all the slides values.



5. Slider Settings: Now the last and the important settings IMAGES. You can add up to 10 images for your background slideshow. If you have the image path directly enter the value in the text box or you can also upload them right here in the panel.


If you want to use a single image in the background, just enter the first feild and leave others empty and the slider will work as a background image. :)

Save your options and you are done. Check your website it must have a cool slider now :)

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